Monday, April 16, 2012

Is it Ok to Ask Other Tourist to Take Your Picture

I will be travelling to Paris this Saturday all by myself. Is it ok to ask other tourist or locals to take your picture?


I don%26#39;t see why not. My husband and I asked a group of tourists to take ours in front of the Eiffel Tower and we took theirs in return. They had no problem however just be sure to offer to take theirs also.


We asked waiters to take ours as well. They all seemed perfectly delighted to do so. We made sure not to ask when they were busy.


I have and have not had problems, ,it is fairly obvious who to ask ,,, they will look just like you!


For some reason, my husband was a magnet for bands of young French school girls asking to take pictures of them. They would come giggling up to him and ask him.....but in French......and he%26#39;s hopeless with languages and couldn%26#39;t understand a word. They%26#39;d giggle more and pantomime what they wanted. He must have taken at least 20 photos in one week for French schoolgirls. We also took photos for lots of other tourists (I think since we were a family they figured we were a safe bet not to bolt with their camera) so we got lots of nice photos taken in return for us!

Go right ahead and ask!


Yes it is very ok!

We did not worry about the people running away with our camera we just looked at them and made a judgment.

Be sure to put the wrist strap on their wrist. We had our French cousin take our photos and he dropped and broke it. Just be careful when you transfere the camera.

||| other thing to consider. I always asked any shopkeepers if it was alright before I took any pictures at their shop. Just as a courtesy. They always said it was fine.


Thanks for your replies. I can%26#39;t wait to see and climb up the Eiffel Tower. Paris here I come :-)


We always ask the most touristy looking person. I don%26#39;t know why. It has become a game we play. Odd.

Never have any problems yet, in any city.


I must be one of the %26quot;most touristy looking people%26quot; as I have been asked to take photos of people several times. I suspect they also figured that if I tried to run away with their camera they could quite easily catch me.


I couldn%26#39;t resist this.

Once I was sitting by the harbor in Key West enjoying a %26quot;roadie,%26quot; one for the road, when I watched two young Oriental girls walk along. First one took the other%26#39;s photo, then the other took the first%26#39;s. Then they looked at me and said %26quot;Would you take our picture?%26quot; I said sure, raised my camera and took itheir picture and said %26quot;How was that?%26quot; They looked at me and walked away.

I couldn%26#39;t resist.


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