Thursday, April 12, 2012

Suitable gift for host family from USA

We are staying with a host family for a couple days while in Paris and would like to bring something. Two older adults and their 17 yr old son. Any thoughts on easy to pack and appropriate gift?


the classic gift is a picture book from your region


You are from one of the most historical areas of the entire USA. There are SO many choices! Maybe something from Colonial Williamsburg, or like the other post suggests a coffee table book of Williamsburg (although I never see those on French coffee tables!)...


My French cousins really like it when I bring a huge bottle of 100% pure Maple syrup and a special pancake mix.


I think somewhat mundane foods like pancake mix are risky-- if you know someone loves whatever, then that is great -- and if you plan to cook, well okay --- but since things like pancake mix and maple syrup can be purchased in France -- it seems a tad odd to schlepp them across the pond

good gifts ought to be luxurious -- or very unique and also ones you can be pretty sure the family will enjoy -- even such traditional regional favorites like good bourbon are risky when you don%26#39;t know people

a good bottle of US wine on the other hand is a good gift -but current airline regulations make that difficult now --


For the son: a sweatshirt or t shirt or backpack from the local sports teams or universities

For the adults: something they can use around the house associated with your region , like a set of placemats, set of mugs or coffee cups, a breadholder, etc.

Try to avoid giving things that will become deadweight (e.g. coffee table books...) or trying to give fine foods or wine (because US wine and chocolate is generally inferior to what is produced in France...)

You should also offer to take them out to dinner one night during your stay with them in France, and volunteer to go out in the morning to get the bread from the boulangerie.


I received a lovely present of a White House Christmas Tree Decoration from a US Poster for whom I had managed to get unavailable concert tickets!! Long Story.

This is lovely. Completely different. Its a historical style thing.

Given the long links between the US and France, and the concept of Independence, maybe something along that line.


Both grace and Les are 100% right on.... coffee table books of your region are the classic gift over here and nobody would then ever place them on display. It is worth noting that these gifts always come with a lovely note on the inside front page. I always suspect that this shows that it is not a re-gift and prevents recipient from passing it along, but that is just paranoia speaking.

Uni sweatshirts are a great gift. My daughters have two of them and they spark lots of envy among their peers.

For the adults, I like to give housewares. A vase from a local artisan, a silver serving spoon from an American designer, something that can be used... Or some expensive bottles of a Califronia wine, like Opus One. Hard to come by over here, and really appreciated if they enjoy wine. Another great booze gift is a high quality Kentucky Bourbon. We just received a bottle from guests and my scotch loving SO was thrilled to bits.


As french people, I would say that Pamarx proposal is very clever.

Try to know if the teen ager likes basket ball. If yes, try to find anything with Tony Parker.

If those people are open minded, bring a bottle of californian vine !


Thanks so much for all the great suggestions. Ive gotten some wonderful ideas. I appreciate it. Linda


%26quot;I received a lovely present of a White House Christmas Tree Decoration from a US Poster for whom I had managed to get unavailable concert tickets!! Long Story.%26quot;

Aw c%26#39;mon, tell the story. We%26#39;ve got plenty of time! :)

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