Monday, April 16, 2012

HELP PLEASE (Sending money from UK to Italy)

Hi, I have reserved an apartment at a Campsite in Lake Garda and have received a letter confirming the dates and a deposit of 200 euros has been requested. They will not accept credit cards and it states to pay with Bankers Draft or to use Western Union Money Transfer. My bank have informed me that it would not be safe to send a bankers draft and I have phoned Western Union and they have told me to be aware that there is alot of fraud with sending mojney to Italy, Spain and China.

Please Please has anyone got any advice or found themselves in this situation before as I have to send the money soon or the booking will be cancelled. I can%26#39;t be the only person who has booked a campsite in Italy direct !

Many thanks



Any special reason why this is posted on the FRANCE forum and not the Italy forum???

Anyway, go to your bank and ask them to draft a bank check in the amount of 200 euros. Its really simple.


Thankyou so much for your reply toutou. I do not know why this has been entered on the French forum. The time of entry is also incorrect . I was at work at 12.41pm and made the entry at 3.30pm! ! ! I do understand what a bankers draft is and realise that it should be SIMPLE to send one but as you may have read my bank advised AGAINST sending a bankers draft and that is why I was asking for advice on the forum. Thank you for your comments.


Well, if the campsite only accepts Bankers Drafts or Western Union telegrams and you are uncomfortable with both, I think you may have a problem.

Can you make a wire transfer?? I%26#39;m sure, as you said, you are not the first person to question the fact that they only offer the two choices of payment.

Are you comfortable with the campsite? Being legit, etc.? If not, I wouldn%26#39;t send a draft or a telegram either. If you are comfortable with the campsite and the person(s) you are dealing with, I guess I would bite the bullet.


My banker said the same thing you have no protection against fraud if you send a Bank draft ( transfer) or a money order.

Will they take Paypal credit card?

I think it will be your own decision as to if you want to take the chance to send the money to them.

Maybe you can find out if the company is an existing one and if other have used them with out any trouble.

Maybe you can post the name of the campsite company and ask that question on the Italy forum.

Good luck!


Perhaps contact the Tourist Office closest to the campsite. If they don%26#39;t know anything about the campsite or can say nothing positive, I%26#39;d look elsewhere.


Seems to me the simplest thing to do would be to repost this WITH the name AND exact location of the campsite in the appropriate Italy forum. If no-one there has ever heard of the place then contact the local tourist office as suggested.

The important issue is whether the campsite actually exists. There is nothing inherently wrong with sending a bank draft to a legitimate business. Probably millions of people do it every day. But the important thing is the name of the business. Without that information nobody can tell you anything you do not already know.

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